I3N, the Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication
multi-scale modeling of materials behaviour; nanofabrication , micro and nano technologies; polymer systems with nano and microcontrolled structures; physical characterization of nanostructures.
Design of New Interfaces, Surfaces and Coatings Composite Technology Materials for Health
IBB Institute for Bioengineering & Biosciences
Innovative approaches in biosciences and bioengineering translate scientific knowledge into tangible and impactful innovation.
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Bioseparation Engineering Molecular Bioengineering Stem Cell Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine Molecular and Cellular Biology, Microbial Biotechnology, and Functional and Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics
INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science.
Telecommunications and Multimedia; Power and Energy Systems; Enterprise Systems; Information and Computer Graphics Systems; Applied Photonics; Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems; Robotics and Autonomous Systems; ;Biomedical
Engineering; High-Assurance Software; Industrial Management ; Advanced Computing; Artificial Intelligence and Decision Aid; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship; Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Materials for Sustainable and Affordable Low Carbon Energy Technologies
Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN)
Micro and nanofabrication Sensor technologies Microfluidics Spintronics MEMS
Materials for health New surfaces and coatings
INIESC - The National Research Infrastructure for Solar Energy Concentration is the national node of ESFRI, EU-SOLARIS.
Solar energy and solar energy concentration technologies. Water desalination thermoelectric production or solar fuels, promoting technology transfer to industry and enabling a holistic approach to the product development process ; solar energy storage (thermal amd electrochemical); new materials for energy storage and HTF and solar system components
• New surfaces and coatings • Materials for Sustainable and Affordable Low Carbon Energy Technologies
EnergyIN - Competitiveness and Technology Cluster for Energy
Renewables Energy Efficiency Smart Grids Energy Storage
* Design New Interfaces, Surfaces and Coatings
* Compositive Technology
* Materials for Sustainable and Affordable Low Carbon Energy Technologies
Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde I3S
i3S is a research institute with focus on 3 main domains: . Cancer, . Host response interaction, . Neurobiology and neurological disorders.
. Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) . Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces . High performance synthetic and biobased composites . Functional materials . Interfaces between materials and biological hosts for health applications . Materials for additive manufacturing
Portuguese Agrofood Cluster (PortugalFoods)
- Promotion of join-partnerships between food industry and academia towards innovation, sustainability and competitiveness (collaborative innovation); - Agrifood Knowledge Transfer (reinforce the competitiveness of the agrifood companies by increasing its technological index, promoting production, transfer, application and increased knowledge) - Services for food industry in terms of business intelligence, market research, internationalization actions and R&D projects
- Functional Materials; - Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
MOBINOV - Automotive Cluster of Portugal
Development of new industrial models around the builders ro improve productive efficiency related to industry 4.0; Development of new industrial models oriented for production and operation of new vehicles. Development of new technologies, products and services (ex .: projects for new digital architectures and new physical architectures, new materials (mixtures, etc ...), new technologies (eg 3D printing), connectivity, autonomous functions .... Monitor the evolution of legislation / regulation Promoting the emergence of new technology-based companies, linked to new technologies, products and services
Materials research and innovation, including materials for low carbon energy technologies and related production technologies. Multiscale modeling for materials engineering and processing (M3EP) Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces High performance composites Functional materials Materials for additive manufacturing Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)
Cluster Habitat Sustentável
Materials and Construction
New surfaces and coatings; High performance synthetic and biobased composites; Materials for Sustainable and Affordable Low Carbon Energy Technologies; Materials for additive manufacturing;
APQuímica - Associação Portuguesa da Química, Petroquímica e Refinação (also managing the Chemical, Petrochemical and Refining Competitiveness Cluster)
Chemical, Petrochemical and Refining New materials Nanotech Circular Economy Energy
• New surfaces and coatings • High performance synthetic and biobased composites • Materials for Sustainable and Affordable Low Carbon Energy Technologies • Tailoring of bioactive material surfaces for health applications • Materials for additive manufacturing