RO: Romania UEFISCDI - National Agency for Scientific Research
The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) is a public entity of the Central Administration under the ultimate authority of Ministry of National Education. UEFISCDI reached the current status in July 2010, through GO nr.62/1999, approved with amendments by Law 74/2010 and GEO nr.150/2000 by merging three organizations with responsibilities for the management and administration of various programs in the fields of higher education, research, development and innovation: Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding (UEFISCSU), National Centre for Programme Management (CNMP), Management Agency for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer (AMCSIT). UEFISCDI implements, under the supervision of its advisory councils, four out of the five programs of the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2015 - 2020 (PN III), i.e.: Program 1: Development of the national R&D (1.1. Human Resources (full); 1.3. Infrastructures R&D (partially); 1.4. Support (partially); Program 2: Increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy through research, development and innovation (2.1. Competitively through research, development and innovation (partially)); Program 3: European and international cooperation (3.1. Bilateral/ multilateral (excluding the bilateral program with AUF); 3.2. Horizon 2020 (full); 3.5. Other European and international initiatives and programs (full); 3.6. Support (partially)); Program 4: Basic research and frontier (full).
UEFISCDI acts for the promotion of Romanian R&I and its integration in the international scientific community, by:
- Cooperating with similar organizations in Europe and worldwide
- Supporting to Romanian R&D actors to develop international partnerships.
UEFISCDI is involved in over 40 international projects, most of them under ERA-NET H2020 and has strategic partnerships & cooperation agreements international organization.