Taiwan: NSTC

Name of Funding agency

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)

Geographical coverage (national/regional)


Name of the programme/initiative


Programme website


Programme owner

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)

Program manager (executing funding organisation)


Contact person(s) (e-mail, tel.)

Name: Yu-Ming Chang
Phone: +886-2-33665277

Name: Ching-Mei Tang
Phone: +886-2-2737 7557

Name: Randy Chang
Phone: +886-2-27898975

Funding Commitment


Anticipated number of fundable research partners


Maximum funding per grant awarded to a partner


Type of research eligible for funding: eligible TRL range


Funding rates (approx.)


Major eligibility criteria
(e.g. types of organisations, thematic restriction, cost types and caps)

Funding to domestic organizations/institutes only and encouraging international collaboration.

Submission of the proposal at national/regional level (schedule, cut-off dates, deadlines, etc.)

Taiwan, schedule available upon request.

Submission of financial and scientific reports at the national/regional level


Further guidance