Croatia: MSE

Name of Funding agency
Ministry of Science and Education (MSE)
Geographical coverage (national/regional)
Programme owner
Ministry of Science and Education
Program manager (executing funding organisation)
Ministry of Science and Education
Contact person(s) (e-mail, tel.)

Mateo Ante Bosnić, , +385 01 4594 166

Funding commitment
150.000 €
Anticipated number of fundable research partners


Maximum funding per grant awarded to a partner

150.000 €

Type of research eligible for funding: eligible TRL range


Funding rates (approx.)

For Applicants from Private Sector: The maximum funding rate of eligible costs is 70%.

For Applicants from Public Sector: 100% of eligible costs.

Major eligibility criteria (e.g. types of organisations, thematic restriction, cost types and caps)

MSE funding is limited to Croatian project partners only. Croatian project partner could be consortium (consisting of at least two national legal entities) or a single legal entity.

Eligibility criteria for Croatian project partners are as follows:

  • research organizations:

o  public research institutes

o  public higher education institutions

o  other legal entities performing research activity


  • other legal entities performing research activities:

o   non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGO’s) or institutions whose main object is research activity or research and development activity registered by the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration or other relevant national body

o   micro, small and medium enterprises (SME’s) entered in the relevant National Register (Court or Craftsmen) and registered to perform research and development activities.


Project proposals already funded under separate financial instruments / call will not be reviewed and will not be eligible under this call.


For Croatian applicants, general H2020 Programme rules on eligible and ineligible costs apply (can be found in the Annotated Model Grant Agreement (AGA) for H2020 Programme at the link).


Applicants from Private Sector receiving basic funding from the MSE can only be granted funds for covering extra expenditure, i.e. as an addition to their basic financing.

Project consortia with SME applicants is encouraged but not mandatory. Also, other legal entities from business sector, which are not SME’s can apply as project partners, but they must ensure their own funding for their participation in the project activities since they are not eligible for MSE funds.

Submission of the proposal at national/regional level (schedule, cut-off dates, deadlines, etc.)

Croatian applicants are required to inform the national contact point about the project application. Applicants are advised to consult the national contact point for the pre-eligibility check.

Submission of financial and scientific reports at the national/regional level

Submission of the financial and scientific reports in accordance with the national GA.