High resolution roll-to-roll printing of biocompatible graphene/protein multilayers for biomedical applications - BIOGRAPHY
The high-performance material graphene has great potential for use in biosensors. However, new production techniques are required for a rapid transfer of research results from materials science to industrial applications.
In the project, BIOGRAPHY, methods for automated roll-to-roll printing of graphene based electrode structures and their protein coating were developed for industrial-scale production of biosensors. A new graphene ink was developed and tested for biocompatibility, conductivity and printability. Printing cylinders were directly patterned using a newly developed micro-engraving machine with an ultra-short pulse laser. For sensor production, a roll-to-roll printing system was established. Biosensors with graphene electrodes were roll-to-roll printed with the new printing machine and tested for their suitability for automated validation of antiviral substances and for conducting toxicity tests.
Thanks to the success of the project, the following results were achieved:
- Compact two colour roll-to-roll printing machine with integrated corona unit for surface activation and near-infrared drying units.
- Process for patterning of micro-engraved printing cylinders: Structures with lateral dimensions < 10 µm were achieved.
- Biocompatible graphene ink suited for gravure printing. The printed structures have a square resistance of 10 Ω/sq at 25 μm.
- Process for printing biosensors comprising interdigitated electrodes down to 50 µm in width.
Single sensors and biosensors in multi-well plate format, integrated in incubators with customised sensor readout-systems, are ready for use in the labs of the project partners AiCuris Anti-infective Cures GmbH and cellasys GmbH.
Link to the final report in the database „Fraunhofer-Publica“: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/dokumente/N-503293.html

Project Details
Publication date | 2018/08/21 |
Call Topic | Innovative Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (Call 2013) |
Duration in months | 42 |
Partners |
Funded by |
Total project cost | € 2,247,000 |
Contact | Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Weg 1, 66280 Sulzbach, Germany Dr. Thomas VeltenEmail: thomas.velten@ibmt.fraunhofer.de |
Link to ERA-LEARN | View on ERA-LEARN website |