
First M-ERA.NET "Guidelines for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the context of materials science" is online

M-ERA-NET is proud to present its first "Guidelines for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the context of materials science".

RRI is a cross-cutting element in our materials research funding network. M-ERA.NET will contribute to a wider public debate on the impact of materials research, ethically, for relevant SDGs and a circular economy and will encourage applicants to take RRI aspects in consideration when constructing their research proposal.

This is a ‘live document’ developed by M-ERA.NET in cooperation with external RRI advisors taking into consideration input provided by materials scientists and funding organisations. These RRI guidelines were developed in a co-creation process including a workshop with the community.

This document should help

  • applicants to M-ERA.NET calls
  • evaluators of proposals submitted to M-ERA.NET calls
  • funding organisations


More information is available here.