Switzerland: SFOE/DETEC

Name of Funding agency
Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
Geographical coverage (national/regional)
Name of the programme/initiative
Energy research programmes
Programme owner
Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
Program manager (executing funding organisation)
Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
Contact person(s) (e-mail, tel.)
Funding commitment
Topic 1: EUR 650’000 Topic 6: EUR 350’000
Type of research eligible for funding: eligible TRL range

TRL ≥3 

Funding rates (approx.)

80% for public institutions, 50% for private organisations 

Major eligibility criteria (e.g. types of organisations, thematic restriction, cost types and caps)

The participation of industrial partners (i.e. manufacturers at material, device and application level) is strongly desired to ensure the relevance of the research to technological development and to provide advice and data.Exceptions must be clearly justified. 

Topic 1: Projects should primarily focus on batteries and, in second priority, on fuel cell and hydrogen technology.See the national call text for details. 

Topic 6: Projects must focus on the Sustainability of semiconductors and circular economy in Power Electronics. See the national call text for further details.

Submission of the proposal at national/regional level (schedule, cut-off dates, deadlines, etc.)

Applicants must submit a national full proposal (see Section 3.4 of the Directive) by 20 November 2024.  The official application formshave to be used and sent to: 

Topic 1: Stefan Oberholzer () 
Topic 6: Roland Brüniger () 

Submission of financial and scientific reports at the national/regional level

See Section 4, “Monitoring and reporting”, of the Directive 

Further guidance

Swiss applicants are obliged to contact the responsible SFOE programme manager at least two weeks before the submission deadline for pre-proposal, i.e., 30 April 2024: 

Topic 1: Stefan Oberholzer (, +41 58 465 89 20) 
Topic 6: Roland Brüniger (, +41 44 760 00 66)