South Korea: KIAT

Name of Funding agency
Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)
Geographical coverage (national/regional)
Name of the programme/initiative
International Industrial Technology Cooperation Program of MOTIE
Programme website
Programme owner
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)
Program manager (executing funding organisation)
Contact person(s) (e-mail, tel.)
Funding commitment
3.000.000 €
Anticipated number of fundable research partners

No hard limit on the number of Korean research partners participating in a M-ERA.NET project.

Maximum funding per grant awarded to a partner

500,000,000 KRW/year (up to 3 years)


(Approx. 370,000 EUR/year, up to 3 years)

Type of research eligible for funding: eligible TRL range

TRL 3 ~ TRL 8

Funding rates (approx.)

Up to 67% for SMEs, 50% for Mid-tier companies, 33% for Large companies, and 100% for Non-profit organizations (Universities, Governmental Research Institutes)

Major eligibility criteria (e.g. types of organisations, thematic restriction, cost types and caps)

• Korean companies, non-profit research institutes and universities are eligible to request funding

• At least one Korean company(private) should be included in the Korean consortium

• All participating Korean companies must have been in business for more than 1 year as of the date indicated on the business registration certificate

• All participating Korean companies should have obtained the “Corporate R&D Centre Accreditation” issued by KOITA(Korea Industrial Technology Association)

• Project funding is comprised of government contribution(grants) and civilian dues (cash and in-kind):



Share of government contribution                        

Minimum required share of Cash from the civilian dues

Large company Up to 33% At least 15%
Mid-tier company Up to 50% at least 13%
SME Up to 67% At least 10%
Other (non-profit) Up to 100%              Only if necessary



Submission of the proposal at national/regional level (schedule, cut-off dates, deadlines, etc.)

• Korean consortium should contact KIAT after submitting the Pre-proposal via M-ERA.NET submission platform

• Only selected Full-proposals will be invited to submit the national application

Submission of financial and scientific reports at the national/regional level

Korean consortium should submit the annual progress report and financial report. Final report should be submitted within 3 months after completing the project.

Further guidance